Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Tonight as I have been sitting here listening to lonely night music (you know that kind that makes you really think about life, that you can only listen to on a quiet night) I have pondered on the past couple of months. My emotions are close as I think about Finn and all we have gone through and Joan. I think of all of the people we are blessed to have in our lives. I think of my sweet boys and how lucky I am to have such great boys. Nate, Christian, Michael, Finn and Espy I love you guys more than you will ever know. I am so glad to go through this journey with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have such a wonderful family. It is great to hear you are doing good and that things seem to be calming down a little. Except for that swimming pool you didn't plan for. I am sure you will laugh in a few years.JK